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Not your typical “Health Coach”


This is your HEALTH! It’s time to enjoy the process, results  and feel good in your skin.


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OVER 250 transformations

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Sound Like You?


Females who are struggling to find change in their health and physique. Who feel stuck and want their Confidence back. Females who are struggling with Fat Loss, Bloating, Weight Gain, Fatigue, Digestion, Inflammation & are ready to leave ALL of those factors in the past. 

*IF you are a female, ready to make a change you are in the right place

^ NONE of that here!

We are all about results & improving your overall health without the extremes.

We have a WIDE range of experience and clients: Moms, College Athletes, Young Adults & Women over 45. We don’t niche down, if you are ready to transform- you are welcome here!

*If you are a female that’s ready to Transform your Health, Confidence, Habits, and Physique..

YOU are who we work with!

Hi Babe, I'm Albany!

There are so many things to say here but let’s keep it short and sweet! I have gone through every phase of the health/fitness journey. Body image issues were a huge setback for me, early in life. The diets & intense exercise started as far back as I can remember, I was always active, but not always healthy. 

I played 4 years of Division 1, College Volleyball & really let my health fall off after my freshman season. I gained weight QUICKLY, and felt out of control when it came to knowing how the heck to lose all the weight I had gained. I hid in pictures, I wore black to cover my body, I HATED wearing spandex at practice because I felt like I was so stuck in a body that wasn’t mine. I lost confidence, and felt so stuck. 

I started doing all the fad diets, supplements, cardio which came with binge eating, and frustration because I always felt like I was messing up or falling off…. Then came more weight gain. 

FINALLY, I honestly got so tired of feeling so out of control with my body & my health and finally started treating my body with kindness and doing things THE right way. 

When I tell you I have been through ALLLLLLLL the phases, I am not lying to you LOL. 

I finally gained my health back & then got involved with bikini bodybuilding. I LOVED it but I was so unaware of the harm it was doing to my body, and had a HUGE rebound post show. I gained 2x the weight I had lost back and had to go through the cycle ALL OVER AGAIN. But this time, I knew how to do things correctly. 

Everything inside of AlbanyRaeFitness is what I wish I had when I was going through my own journey, that would have saved me YEARS of trial and error. I remember going through it and having seriously NO IDEA what the heck I was doing, but I kept trying. Everything in the ARFitness Community was created with a bigger purpose behind it. 

**It’s designed for YOU.  

A community full of support, accountability & a program 100% customized to YOUR BODY & what YOU need to find results. 

I’m thankful I went through so many different phases in my journey, because now it allows me to help other women not have to. Saving them YEARS of frustration and just getting straight to the GOOD PART! (Health, Confidence & RESULTS)

My own journey inspired me to continue and get the best education for all the amazing ladies I would get to work with.

I am so happy you are here!

My Education & Certifications:

Meet Our Team


Hi everyone, I’m Sophie Luciano. Welcome to your new ARF family and community! So, a little about me…I graduated from Louisiana State University with a degree in Kinesiology Fitness Studies with a minor in Health Sciences. I am a Certified Personal Trainer and Nutrition Coach through the National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM). I specialize in coaching women on making long-term lifestyle changes that will help them to love and feel confident in their own skin. I am committed to helping my clients create sustainable changes in their lives and to build healthy habits that last. I strive to provide a supportive and encouraging environment in which my clients can reach their goals. I am committed to providing the best support and guidance to my clients to ensure their success. I look forward to helping you reach your health and wellness goals! Let’s get to work!!

SOPHIE'S Education & Certifications:

Let's Get Personal


Bulldogs were my dream dog & Now I have 2!


Curly Hair Girls Stand UPPP


I never know the lyrics to any song so just pretend I’m singing the right words 😉

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